Communities are our best defense
This week marks the first year anniversary of the establishment of the People’s CDC. With the federal government and countries around the world rolling back public health programs for controlling COVID-19, it’s clear such community efforts to shape public policy represent our best defense against a pandemic that continues to infect more than three million people worldwide every week. In order to built a robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need organized and informed communities, using sound science, to pressure governments at all levels while simultaneously taking mutual care of one another.
Join us for a PCDC webinar this Thursday, January 19, at 5PM ET. We’ll offer an update about where we are with the People’s CDC and highlight the wonderful projects our working groups are up to. In addition to celebrating our one year anniversary, the Webinar will feature a report back from Academic Labor Organizers fighting for COVID Safety and Public Health Protections at the University of California.
Finally, the webinar will include a Q&A session to hear from you: the people. A People’s CDC works best when it hears from the people!
Scan the QR code on the flyer below or click here to register. We will also be broadcasting the webinar on Youtube