Informe meteorológico de People's CDC COVID-19



The People’s CDC is very pleased to announce that we have delivered our expert letter on the CDC’s COVID updated isolation guidelines. We are so grateful for all signatories who joined us in demanding the CDC revise their failing approach in favor of transparent, science-backed policy that appreciates the many structural barriers that deny equitable health outcomes.


We appreciate everyone who made this happen. Our advocacy is stronger when we join together.


El clima


The CDC’s reported COVID wastewater levels by state show that viral activity remains “Very High” in Hawaii and “High” in both California and Florida. 


7 states are now reporting “Moderate” viral activity in their wastewater levels: Utah, Minnesota, Vermont, Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Massachusetts.


Still, no data is currently available from North Dakota, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam. 

 A map of the United States color-coded in shades of orange and gray displaying SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Viral Activity level as of June 6, 2024, where deeper tones correlate to higher viral activity and gray indicates “Insufficient,” or “No Data.” Viral activity is “Very High” in Hawaii and “High” in Florida and California. Wastewater levels are “Moderate” in 6 states and “Low” or “Minimal” in other reporting states and territories, with no data available from 2 states and 3 territories. Text above map reads “High levels in California and Florida, Very High levels in Hawaii. People’s CDC. Source: CDC.”


Graphic source: CDC



Wastewater levels are increasing nationally, based on the past two-weeks’ data. All regions except for Northeast are trending upward, particularly in the West and the South. We noted in the last Weather Report that current regional trends mirror wastewater levels from last summer. 


These upward trends are on the heels of much-needed federal programs like The Bridge Access Program and Home Test 2 Treat ending despite ongoing need among America’s uninsured and underinsured population.



A line graph with the title, “COVID-19 Wastewater Trends as of June 6, 2024” with “Wastewater Viral Activity Level” indicated on the left-hand vertical axis, going from 0-15, and “Week Ending” across the horizontal axis, with date labels ranging from 6/03/23 to 5/04/24, with the graph extending through 6/01/24. A key at the bottom indicates line colors. National is black, Midwest is orange, South is purple, Northeast is light blue, and West is green. Overall, levels have trended downward and plateaued, except for the West, which shows an increase. Within the gray-shaded provisional data provided for the last 2 weeks, wastewater levels in the West appear to be plateauing after significantly rising, while there is an increase in all other areas. Text above the graph reads “Viral activity increasing nationally, highest in the west. Text below: People’s CDC. Source: CDC.”


Graphic source: CDC



These public health failures enable low vaccine uptake and testing inaccessibility, which contribute to surge conditions. If you are someone that stopped masking, the People’s CDC invites you to start masking again. While we continue to fight against the state’s organized abandonment of its people, we must collectively work towards making public spaces more safe for each other. That means consistently masking up in indoor public spaces and crowded outdoor spaces, especially in healthcare settings.



COVID largo



Members of the disability community living with Long COVID were featured in a recent PBS Newshour episode on June 1st and we encourage you to check it out. 



Very rarely are disabled people living with Long COVID provided opportunities to speak about their unique experience and this episode features a diverse array of participants who have been isolated from all aspects of their life (socially, professionally, culturally…).


“It makes a better world for everyone [emphasis added], if we take care of everyone,” a parting reflection from one person living with Long Covid reminds us that justice for them means safer communities for all of us.



Tomar acción



We have until June 10, 2024 to tell the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) that hospitals must report COVID infections and they should give us care, not COVID. CMS is proposing that healthcare systems report COVID infections among those hospitalized. CMS has again not included COVID as a hospital-acquired infection as part of their Hospital Acquired Condition Reduction (HAC) program. 


In your comment, we recommend telling CMS to allocate financial resources to create capacity for collecting and reporting COVID infections among hospitalized patients. While we remain concerned with the gap in the current reporting period between now and October 1, this is a necessary proposed change to our public health system. We also are advocating for data reporting on demographic, socioeconomic, and disability status to better understand differences in population outcomes. 



Seguir these instructions to submit a formal comment to CMS comments must be received by no later than 5 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 10, 2024.



As we continue to celebrate Pride this June, we suggest taking the following steps to make your gatherings safer to attend: testing before the event, masking during the event, and communicating any known exposures after the event.



Immunocompromised queer and trans people are deserving of these accessibility measures. Remember, we keep us safe.



Notes: 1) The numbers in this report were current as of 6/09/2024. 2) Changes in testing access as well as data reporting have led many federal data sources to become less reliable. 3) Check out the links throughout & see our website for more! 4) Subscribe to our newsletter: People’s CDC | Substack.

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