Nombre del autor:Personas's CDC

Necesitamos pruebas rápidas y gratis de COVID en el hogar para todos

Without free tests, many people simply won’t test. Please join The People’s CDC in writing to elected representatives to say we all still need free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). You may send your own letter, send our suggested text, or edit it, using this form or sending to your elected representatives directly. Suggested Letter to

Necesitamos pruebas rápidas y gratis de COVID en el hogar para todos Leer más »

Demasiadas muertes, demasiados dejados atrás: Una revisión externa de la gente sobre el CDC

When the CDC announced it was conducting an internal review in 2022, we launched a People’s Review of the CDC. We surveyed nearly 500 public health experts and community leaders and reviewed over 200 journal articles, government reports, news articles and white papers. We found that the CDC prioritized individual choice and short-term business interest

Demasiadas muertes, demasiados dejados atrás: Una revisión externa de la gente sobre el CDC Leer más »

Máscaras en el cuidado de la salud

As healthcare workers, patients, parents, and caregivers, we at the People’s CDC urge public health officials and healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, physician and dentist offices, nursing homes, and home health care services to require masking in all healthcare settings, and to provide masks (ideally N95 respirators) for everyone in those settings. The revised CDC

Máscaras en el cuidado de la salud Leer más »

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