Nombre del autor:Personas's CDC

Obtenga sus vacunas de refuerzo Covid-19 Protéjase contra las variantes

What is a booster? A booster is a vaccine given after the original series of vaccinations. Why do we need it? Much like other viruses, such as the flu virus, the virus that causes Covid-19 changes with time. In order to strengthen the immune system so that it responds to new varieties (variants) of the

Obtenga sus vacunas de refuerzo Covid-19 Protéjase contra las variantes Leer más »

Datos de aguas residuales

What is wastewater data?  Wastewater is the used water from our showers, dishwashers, sinks, toilets and washing machines. Samples from wastewater can provide insight into the health of the population by measuring concentrations of viruses like polio and influenza, or identifying geographic hotspots in the opioid crisis.  Similarly, wastewater data can provide a snapshot of

Datos de aguas residuales Leer más »

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