COVID esta semana

COVID This Week – August 11, 2023

In this part, we address why the political class and their corporate contributors are trying to bury the pandemic as a social phenomenon even as they continue to act to protect themselves from the virus. We find on this side of the end of emergency the CDC reducing funding for child vaccinations and rolling back measures for controlling all infectious disease in

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COVID This Week – August 11, 2023 Leer más »

COVID This Week – April 16, 2023

Evolutionary epidemiologist Rob Wallace hosts this week’s “COVID This Week”. In this episode we cover the state of global COVID and the state of U.S. COVID. We also address present U.S. efforts to end the pandemic response before ending the pandemic. Against administration efforts at self-exoneration and deploying discursive, the People’s CDC just released an

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COVID This Week – April 16, 2023 Leer más »

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