
Demand updated vaccine access for all ages this fall! Public comment to the CDC closes soon

Vaccine public comment is due June 17, all of us need access to the latest COVID vaccines Make your voice heard and ask the CDC to: Recommend updated 2024-2025 COVID vaccines for all ages AND Strengthen our vaccine drive by recommending more frequent boosting (at least every six months) and more frequent updates to the vaccines, adjusted for the […]

Demand updated vaccine access for all ages this fall! Public comment to the CDC closes soon Leer más »

Carta de firma de experto en aislamiento de COVID

This is an open letter to the Director of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was written by volunteers with The People’s CDC, a CDC watchdog and public health advocacy and health justice group. We’re asking medical, public health, and scientific professionals (defined broadly as having credentials and/or professional/technical experience in related fields)

Carta de firma de experto en aislamiento de COVID Leer más »

Comentario público del CDC del pueblo sobre HICPAC

Public Comment by Andrew Wang, PhD, MPH and Raj Chaklashiya, on behalf of the People’s CDC, submitted to the CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) regarding the inadequacy of proposed updated guidelines. COVID-19 infections injure, harm, and cause mortality among Americans. Based on both case counts and estimates, millions of Americans also are

Comentario público del CDC del pueblo sobre HICPAC Leer más »

Máscaras en el cuidado de la salud

As healthcare workers, patients, parents, and caregivers, we at the People’s CDC urge public health officials and healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, physician and dentist offices, nursing homes, and home health care services to require masking in all healthcare settings, and to provide masks (ideally N95 respirators) for everyone in those settings. The revised CDC

Máscaras en el cuidado de la salud Leer más »

Preservar y expandir los recursos de salud pública bajo el estado de emergencia de COVID

DO NOT End the State of Emergency! Protect Everyone! The US has suffered more from Covid-19 than other high-income nations. The state of emergency increased access to Medicaid, and assured free access to vaccines, tests, masks, and treatments for all US residents, including more than 30 million uninsured Americans. Even with these additional resources, the

Preservar y expandir los recursos de salud pública bajo el estado de emergencia de COVID Leer más »

Declaración sobre la propuesta del FDA para la vacunación contra el COVID una vez al año

Public Comment by Rob Wallace, PhD, submitted to the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee regarding the future vaccination regimens addressing COVID-19. I’m an evolutionary epidemiologist. I mapped statistical phylogeographies, including molecular evolutionary traces, for HPAI H5N1 under CDC advisor Walter Fitch at UC Irvine 1-2. I have consulted for the CDC and

Declaración sobre la propuesta del FDA para la vacunación contra el COVID una vez al año Leer más »

Declaración de los CDC del pueblo sobre el borrador de opinión filtrado para revocar el derecho al aborto

In the face of a leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe vs. Wade, and the failure of the Senate to protect abortion rights, the People’s CDC insists that abortion is fundamental to personal and public health, and that its availability and accessibility are crucial for upholding reproductive and health justice.  Firstly, we

Declaración de los CDC del pueblo sobre el borrador de opinión filtrado para revocar el derecho al aborto Leer más »

La declaración de los CDC del pueblo sobre los mandatos de mascarillas

The People’s CDC calls for the federal government, the CDC, and local leaders to act urgently to follow Philadelphia’s lead in prioritizing public health by implementing data driven mask mandates.  Philadelphia’s decision is consistent with public health’s goal to prevent and reduce  the harm of the escalating COVID surge, not wait until hospital beds, ICU’s

La declaración de los CDC del pueblo sobre los mandatos de mascarillas Leer más »

People's CDC condena la interferencia de la corte en las protecciones de salud pública

The People’s CDC condemns the Federal District Court for the Middle District of Florida’s decision on April 18 to void a CDC rule requiring continued masking on public transportation.  As COVID rates are increasing rapidly in parts of the US, the court overruled scientific judgment and the protective public health responsibility of the CDC. The

People's CDC condena la interferencia de la corte en las protecciones de salud pública Leer más »

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