Informe meteorológico de People's CDC COVID-19

El clima:

Despite the reduced data reporting from the US federal government since the end of the public health emergency this May, numerous mainstream media sources are now reporting increases in COVID cases y hospitalizaciones, highlighting a summer wave. Who could have predicted that COVID is not a fall/winter seasonal disease? 🤔 (Hint: The pandemic isn’t over, and COVID is spreading in every season under a “vaxxed and relaxed” public health approach.)

While we are glad for the recognition that COVID isn’t over, watch out for inaccurate or incomplete reporting, such as:


Along with the noted increases in COVID cases and hospitalizations, wastewater levels are now increasing in all regions. National wastewater levels have increased about 2-fold since June 21, 2023 (165 copies/mL to 326 copies/mL on July 26, 2023). Notably, the data we reported last week that showed a slight recent decrease in the West and Midwest have been updated on Biobot, which now shows a fairly steady rise across all regions since mid-June.

Title reads “COVID-19 Wastewater Levels July 26, 2023.” A map of the United States in the upper right corner serves as a key. The West is green, Midwest is purple, South is pink, and Northeast is orange. A graph on the bottom is titled “Wastewater: Effective SARS-CoV-2 virus concentration (copies / mL of sewage).” It shows Feb 2023 through July 2023 with regional virus concentrations increasing nationally, throughout all the regions, over the course of the past few weeks (albeit with some weeks of plateauing levels), with black arrows indicating June 21 and July 26. Text above the graph reads “National levels 2x higher than June 21, 2023, 165 to 326 copies/mL.” A key on the upper right states concentration as of July 26, 2023: 326 copies / mL (National), 222 copies / mL (Midwest), 362 copies / mL (Northeast), 355 copies / mL (Southeast), and 303 copies / mL (West).
Graphic source: Biobot Analytics


Highlighting the broad public support for masking, a poll showed that 87% of more than 2,300 readers agreed with businesses that require masks. Narratives that mask requirements are unpopular are wrong and are based on a psychological phenomenon called collective illusion or pluralistic ignorance. These poll results are clear and consistent with earlier polls–most people find masking to be a sensible, non-controversial response to an ongoing airborne pandemic. Masking requirements establish a norm of community care and make all of us safer.

High-filtration, well-fitting masks were spotted on the SAG-AFTRA picket lines in the reel shared by Mask Together America. This summer, both COVID and excessive heat are dangers to protests. If you are heading out to the picket lines, check out our tips for COVID safety as well as the CDC’s tips for preventing heat-related illness

Tome accion:

Although the recent media attention on COVID may fade, COVID remains a clear and present danger in our daily lives. If effective action isn’t taken to reduce transmission, continued summer travel, summer gatherings, and the start of school in the fall will likely fuel ongoing transmission. Consider sharing our safer gatherings toolkit with loved ones.

 “Making my gatherings safer with:” followed by ten checklist items in white rectangles and empty checkboxes on the left of each item. The checklist reads “Universal pre-event testing. Reduce high-risk activities. Check for symptoms and exposure. Universal masking. Proof of vaccination. Gather outdoors. Ventilation and air quality. Small, consistent groups. Universal post-event testing. Contract tracing. Explore the full toolkit from People’s CDC at

The White House knows that COVID isn’t over. COVID testing is still required for everyone who meets with the president. Shouldn’t free testing be available for all of us? Use our letter campaigns to ask your elected officials for free PCR testing y Rapid Antigen Testing. Also consider writing your elected officials to let them know we need other ongoing COVID resources, including masks, air filters for clean indoor air, and vaccines.

Finally, join Long COVID Justice in writing your representatives to support the TREAT Long COVID Act, which supports evidence-based Long COVID treatments by funding patient-centered research, access to care, and training for medical professionals.

Thank you for reading. We are grateful for all that you do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community. 😷

Notes: 1) The numbers in this report were current as of 7/29/2023. 2) Changes in testing access as well as data reporting have led many federal data sources to become less reliable. Fewer federal data sources may be included in current and upcoming Weather Reports, and we will do our best to provide context regarding the representativeness of limited data. 3) Check out the links throughout & see our website for more!

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