
What is the People's CDC?

El CDC del pueblo es una coalición de profesionales de la salud pública, científicos, trabajadores de la salud, educadores, defensores y personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida que trabajan para reducir los impactos dañinos de COVID-19. 



Brindamos orientación y recomendaciones de políticas a los gobiernos y al público sobre COVID-19, difundiendo actualizaciones basadas en evidencia que se basan en la equidad, los principios de salud pública y la literatura científica más reciente.


Working alongside community organizations, we are building collective power and centering equity as we work together to end the pandemic. The People’s CDC is volunteer-run and independent of partisan political and corporate interests and includes anonymous local health department and other government employees. The People’s CDC is completely volunteer run with infrastructure support being provided by the People’s Science Network.

La pandemia NO ha terminado

El CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades) está creando la apariencia de que la pandemia ha terminado. IT IS NOT.


Al fin de Febrero, el CDC presento un nuevo sistema de monitoreo para Covid-19 basado en lo que ellos llaman "Niveles comunitarios". Al minimizar la importancia de la transmisión de Sars-CoV-2, el nuevo sistema convirtió instantáneamente lo que era un mapa de pandemia todavia rojo de transmisión Omicron a verde, creando la falsa impresión de que la pandemia ha terminado.


Publicado cuatro días antes del Estado de la Unión, el nuevo CDC Las medidas y la narrativa que crearon permitieron al presidente Biden reclamar la victoria sobre el virus a través de un juego de manos: un cambio de informes estándar de transmisiones comunitarias a medidas de riesgo basadas en gran medida en métricas polémicas basadas en hospitales. Las policias anteriores llamaban a cualquier cosa por encima de 50 casos por cada 100,000 personas "sustancial o alto". Ahora, dicen que 200 casos por cada 100,000 es "bajo" siempre que las hospitalizaciones también sean bajas.


“The resulting shift from a red map to a green one reflected no real reduction in transmission risk. It was a resort to rhetoric: an effort to craft a success story that would explain away hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and the continued threat the virus poses”

El CDC del Pueblo Op-ed en el Guardian


Estructura Organizativa

Inverted triangle listing organizational structure consisting of teams, general membership, and coordinating committee

The PCDC operates as an inverted pyramid with autonomous teams being the driving force of producing content. The different working teams are at the top of the pyramid being supported by General Membership. The Coordinating Committee provides infrastructure support for the coalition. People’s Science Network supports Zoom access as well as operations. To find out more information about the organizational structure and working teams, check out our introductory webinar:


(Name, Credentials – Affiliations – Working Group)

Karen McPhail-Bell, PhD, B.Beh.Sc, AFHEA – Artist, Health Promotion/Public Health Researcher/Consultant – Arts

Rocco Giannetti, FAIA – Community Activist – Arts


Lara Jirmanus, MD, MPH - Médica de atención primaria y organizadora comunitario


Rita Valenti, RN- Revisión externa de los CDC


Linda D. Green, MD – Physician, Public Health Awakened – Community Outreach


Fran Gilmore, MS – Industrial Hygienist – Community Outreach


Noha Aboelata, MD – CEO Roots Community Health Center – Community Outreach


Karen Pomerantz, MPH, MLS – Retired Public Health Educator/Activist – Community Outreach



Kaitlin Sundling, MD, PhD – Physician-Scientist, World Health New Health Network and COVID Action Group – Masking in Healthcare

Shimi Sharief, MD, MPH – Medico de salud publica - Pressure and Community 

Dannie Ritchie, MD, MPH – Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Brown University, Alpert School of Medicine, Founder, Community Health Innovations of Rhode Island – Pressure Group

Margaux Simmons, PhD – University of Orange/Concerned Citizen – Pressure

Ellen Isaacs, MD – Physician, Coeditor of – Publications

Chloe Humbert Human – Artist – Pressure

Edderic Ugaddan - Científico de datos senior - Quant

Daniele Fedonni, MPH – Biostatistician – Quant

Lauren Frey, MPH - Urgencia de Equidad

Margaret Bray, PhD – Biostatistician – Urgency of Equity

Anónimo, MPH – Infectious Disease Epidemiologist – Weather Report/Pressure
