Nombre del autor:Personas's CDC

Comentario público del CDC del pueblo sobre HICPAC

Public Comment by Andrew Wang, PhD, MPH and Raj Chaklashiya, on behalf of the People’s CDC, submitted to the CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) regarding the inadequacy of proposed updated guidelines. COVID-19 infections injure, harm, and cause mortality among Americans. Based on both case counts and estimates, millions of Americans also are

Comentario público del CDC del pueblo sobre HICPAC Leer más »

Recomendaciones para HICPAC

Over 900 occupational safety, aerosols science, public health, and medical experts have written to new CDC Director Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH, informing her that CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) must correct their review on COVID infection control measures to reflect the science of aerosol transmission through inhalation and their decision-making process

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