Nombre del autor:Personas's CDC

Luchando por la seguridad de los trabajadores durante el COVID

Infosheet for the Peoples CDC No matter what type of work you do, COVID has likely made it more hazardous. You need specific information to keep you and your families safe. This guide aims to support workers in all types of workplaces who want to protect themselves and their coworkers, loved ones, and communities from

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Luchando por la seguridad de los trabajadores durante el COVID Leer más »


High-quality, well-fitting masks can protect you and others! How does COVID spread? Tiny infectious particles of virus- called aerosols– are produced by an infected person from talking, laughing, singing, or just breathing. They can spread through any room or closed space, such as an office, school, bus, train, store, or theater. They can stay in

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